Tuesday 25 September 2018

Bike Ride, Library and Theo

Today we went on a round trip on our bikes: a quick circuit of the Schiedersee and then to the local supermarket, Rewe. Then we went home, and four hours later, we walked to the library, which only opens at 4 o'clock and only on Tuesdays and Fridays. There, we borrowed 15 German books, although I only picked 7 of them. These included lots of English books turned German.

My newly stocked bookshelf.

Some of the books that we borrowed (All German).
After we had borrowed our books, Aunt Petra and Theo picked us up straight from the library and we drove home to my Grandparents in her car. Then, Theo, Niklas and I started playing viking chess on the lawn. It was Niklas and me vs. Theo, and each team won one round. Theo was surprisingly good! After that, we ate cake and then straight back to the garden, to play kick-tennis and catch. Again, it was Niklas and me vs. Theo. Afterwards, still in the same teams, we played four-in-a-row. It was all so much fun!


  1. Some of the books look familiar. That stack will keep you busy for a week or two. Has Schieder library been prepared for the Aussie book lovers' invasion? Did you leave any books there?

    I bet that after you had rounded the lake, you didn't just visit the supermarket: Wasn't there a "gelateria" on the way?

    Have a wonderful time. Missing the three of you.

  2. Yes, some (or most, I have yet to find out) of the books have been translated from/to English and I picked a lot of them out because I have read them in English but not in German. And yes there was a "gelateria" on the way, but five degrees above zero is only a tiny bit too cold for an ice-cream, don't you think?


Flight Fail

Today, after the gate opened, we walked to the gate B23 to wait to board. There we got one announcement after the other: Flight is delayed b...