Wednesday 26 September 2018

Another Bike Ride

Today we went for another bike ride around the lake, but this time there was one difference: we stopped at the Moses Hütte, a café on the north shore of the Schiedersee, to have some ice-cream. There was one problem. The only flavours left were strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. There was also no cream! Still, everyone got three scoops of ice-cream and we were happy with that. (Sort of)

Everyone enjoying their ice-cream.

1 comment:

  1. I knew that ice cream would play a major role during your visit to Germany. :-)
    That sparks an idea: Let's see what I can find in our freezer.


Flight Fail

Today, after the gate opened, we walked to the gate B23 to wait to board. There we got one announcement after the other: Flight is delayed b...