Friday 16 September 2016

Day 7: Second Rest Day in Schillighörn

The kite surfers have inspired us. Oma and Opa get Niklas and me some fancy sport kites. This is all we need to be happy! The rest of the day is spent in the dunes and on the beach, until long after sun set.

Opa Siegfried is very good at chess, but I manage a draw.
Science experiments: wind force, direction, variation. 
Opa Siegfried is keen on flying my kite, too! 
Higher and higher it goes...
I am teaching Opa Siegfried how to steer and do tricks.
Great Uncle Heinz... addicted, too.
Why do I have to help everyone to get their kites up?
I can't get enough of the kite flying: this one is after dinner, at sun set.
My style: almost like a dance. 
Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height, oh let's go fly a kite!
Opa pretending to be a priest. Amen.
Up and up and up.
The sun is setting, we keep going.
Heinz in front of the ebbing ocean, we keep going.
And keep going...
...until after dark, under the full moon


  1. Winds in Sydney are currently great for flying kites, too. You will have fun once you are back home. the other day, a eucalyptus branch dropped onto the chicken pen. Luckily no-one was home. The chooks were rioting in neighbour's garden ...

    1. Not good, not good... Do you know when our seven feathered egg-layers will stop trespassing private lands? Not me!
      I am really looking forward to flying my kite on Narrabeen beach!


Flight Fail

Today, after the gate opened, we walked to the gate B23 to wait to board. There we got one announcement after the other: Flight is delayed b...