Thursday 1 September 2016

Paragliding in Heidelberg

Mum's cousin Torsten is a paraglider. Initially, he had invited Niklas, Mum and me to lunch on Thursday. But then it turned out that the weather is good for paragliding. Thus, we changed our plans, packed warm clothes, helmets, and gloves for the flight. Mum was not too sure if I would dare to actually leave solid grounds but she need not have worried! 

I am not old enough to steer, and I don't have a licence. Torsten had organised not only a tandem pilot for me, but also a child size seat for the paraglider. 

My tandem pilot Frank is very experienced and knows the hills and their winds around Heidelberg inside out.

Can you believe that I did not fly once, nor twice, but THREE times on that day?
I took this photo myself with Frank's GoPro
Me buckling up
Ready for action!
Testing the sitting position. Torsten on the left, pilot Frank on the right
Waiting for Frank to get ready
Last explanations.
"And then you run and you keep running!"
We are ready, waiting for a head wind to run and jump
The moment of losing touch with solid ground.
The wind hose indicates: no wind at all, but nevertheless we take flight.
This is my takeoff, Niklas is taking photos
Frank and I soaring above Heidelberg - can you find me?
The same in close up
Approaching the landing meadow
Crash landing, a lot of fun!
Being silly at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Three flights in one day at the age of 8!!! Really, Jonas, do you know how lucky you are - what an experience!
    I must say that I loved Heidelberg but I never got to see it from the view of a bird - I had to walk!
    I look forward to reading about the rest of your adventures. Keep having fun.


Flight Fail

Today, after the gate opened, we walked to the gate B23 to wait to board. There we got one announcement after the other: Flight is delayed b...